Energy Economics
Mina Javadinia; seyyed Abdol Majid Jalaee Esfand Abadi; Mehdi Nejati
Today, the energy market in the world is facing an important position, and on the other hand, the importance of gas as a clean fuel is significant. According to the approach and structure of the energy market, the main axis of this research is based on the game theory approach. On the other hand, the ...
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Today, the energy market in the world is facing an important position, and on the other hand, the importance of gas as a clean fuel is significant. According to the approach and structure of the energy market, the main axis of this research is based on the game theory approach. On the other hand, the interests of Iran and Qatar will give rise to a conflict over price between the two countries. Therefore, in the present study the dynamic computable general equilibrium model and the 2014 social accounting matrix were used to investigate the impact of gas price shocks on the gas exports of these two countries. As Iran and Qatar are known as main competitors in the natural gas sector of world energy market, it is necessary to specify a win-win pricing strategy for both countries. Taking this into account, in the present study a model that incorporates both the dynamic computable general equilibrium and game theory is used for investigation purposes. The results indicate that, 0.5% price increase would be the best strategy from among the wide range of gas price scenarios presented for 2022-2024, because a 0.5% increase in gas prices in general would further increase the exports of Iran and Qatar as two competitors. Thus, based on the equilibrium forms, stepwise price rise over a specific time interval can help these two countries maximize their interests.