Volume 11 (2022)
Volume 10 (2021)
Volume 9 (2020)
Volume 8 (2019)
Volume 7 (2018)
Volume 6 (2017)
Volume 5 (2016)
Volume 4 (2015)
Volume 3 (2014)
Volume 2 (2013)
Volume 1 (2012)


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Iranian Journal of Economic Studies is published by Shiraz University, one of the oldest and the most prestigious universities in Iran, with high quality in research and education. The aim of this journal is to provide a forum for economists (in Iran and around the globe) to publish their theoretical and empirical research in all fields of economics. The primary purpose of the journal is to promote publications of original research related to the Iranian economy. It is also designed to serve as an outlet for studies on the Middle East and Central Asia. Nonetheless, the journal does not preclude itself from publishing high-quality works related to other regions. 


At the same time, submissions of methodological or theoretical studies with results that are of practical use are welcome. The journal also welcomes review papers and papers on other related topics provided that such topics are within the context of the broader multi-disciplinary scope of economics (such as Institutional Economics, Behavioral Economics, Cognitive economics, Law and Economics, Social and Economic Statistics, Econophysics, Economics of Entrepreneurship, Political Economics, and ….).The journal also welcomes articles from doctoral dissertations.

Type of journal: Scientific- Research

Frequency: Two Quarterly

Format: printed and electronic

Print ISSN: 1402-2322

Online ISSN: 1590-2717

Language: English (Persian Abstract)

Time to first decision: 14 days

Type of review: Closed and anonymous double-blind peer-review, at least two reviews, and one comparative review.

More about the Journal

The future plan of IJES is to be indexed by the Web of Science (WOS) and Scopus.

The magazine fallows the rules of COPE.

This journal operates a double blind review process and tries to do the review process in the shortest time. 

We allocate DOI names (Digital Object Identifiers) for the published articles, enabling them to be referenced clearly and persistently

Iranian Journal of Economic Studies uses iThenticate for plagiarism checker. 

You should fill out and submit the following two forms:

Conflict of Interest Disclosure and Commitment to Publishing Ethics &Transference of copyright Ownership  Forms can be downloaded in the guide for authors section


 There is no fee for reviewing the article,but after acceptance, 300 thousand tomans cost for publication will be received. At the discretion of the journal's editorial board, in manuscripts that require editing, authors are required to use one of the following two ways to edit their manuscript:  

. A reliable company does editing, and the relevant certificate is uploaded to the system.

. Editing is done by one of the faculty members of the Department of Foreign Languages (English) of prestigious universities, and the relevant certificate is uploaded to the system.                                                                          

Research Paper Other
Estimation of the Product Profitability Index Based on the Product Complexity Index

Soraya Jelvezan; Ataaulah Mohammadi Malqarani; Behrooz Shahmoradi

Volume 12, Issue 2 , December 2023, Pages 283-313


  Profit, as presented in financial statements, is one of the most important performance metrics and a key determinant of an economic entity's value. The primary objective of this research is to assess product profitability based on a Product Complexity Index (PCI), considering the product's diversity ...  Read More

Research Paper Econometrics
The Effect of Artificial Intelligence on The Total Factor Productivity in Iranian Industries

Forough Esmaeily Sadrabadi; Maedeh Khanari

Volume 12, Issue 2 , December 2023, Pages 315-343


  This study explores the effects of artificial intelligence (AI) investment on total factor productivity (TFP) in Iranian industries from 1997 to 2020, utilizing a comprehensive dataset organized by four-digit International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) codes. We employ the generalized method ...  Read More

Research Paper Institutional Economics
The Role of Good Governance in Economic Growth: Evidence from Income Groups

Hassan Daliri

Volume 12, Issue 2 , December 2023, Pages 345-368


  This study explores the impact of governance indicators, , on economic growth across different income groups. Using dynamic panel data estimation with the one-step system GMM method, we analyze data from low-income (15 country), lower-middle-income (40 country), upper-middle-income (40 country), and ...  Read More

Research Paper Monetary economics
Investigating the impact of private sector credit on self-employment in Iran: A hybrid artificial intelligence and spatial modelling approach

Reza Taheri Haftasiabi; Ameneh NaderI; Yousef Mohammadzade; Akbar Zavari Rezai

Volume 12, Issue 2 , December 2023, Pages 369-406


  Self-employment plays an important role in the Iranian economy and understanding the factors affecting it is of great importance. This study aimed to investigate the impact of private sector credit on self-employment in Iran using artificial intelligence techniques such as artificial neural networks, ...  Read More

Research Paper Other
Child Participation in Iran Labor Market, Individual and Environmental Determinants

Malihe Hadadmoghadam; Pedram Davoudi

Volume 12, Issue 2 , December 2023, Pages 407-429


  The phenomenon of child labor and street children is one of the pressing issues in most contemporary large cities around the world. The prevalence of this phenomenon has become so significant that it engages both developed and developing societies equally. Child labor refers to any form of employing ...  Read More

Research Paper Monetary economics
Relationship between CPI and PPI Inflation in Iran: Does Inflation Anchored by Liquidity Growth or Exchange Rate Growth?

Mohammad Amin Shojaeenia; Ahmad Barkish; Abolmohsen Valizadeh

Volume 12, Issue 2 , December 2023, Pages 431-463


  This study examines how exchange rate growth and liquidity growth impact the relationship between consumer price index “CPI” inflation and producer price index “PPI” inflation in Iran from 2005 to 2023, using monthly data. We employ continuous wavelet transformation to capture ...  Read More

Research Paper Energy Economics
Uncertainty in Oil Prices and Industrial Production in Oil-Exporting Countries: Evidence from Selected Middle East and OECD Nations

Hamidreza Panah; Seyed Nematollah Mousavi; Bahaaldin Najafi

Volume 12, Issue 2 , December 2023, Pages 465-493


  Oil has a large share of the world's total energy consumption. For this reason, it is obvious that any fluctuations in demand, supply, price and other variables affecting this sector have many effects on the economy of oil producing and consuming countries. Any factor that causes a disruption in the ...  Read More

Estimating Efficiency of Thermal and Hydroelectric Power Plants in Iranian Provinces
Volume 3, Issue 2 , December 2014, , Pages 19-42


  This paper aims at estimating the efficiency of hydroelectric power plants (renewable energy resources) and thermal power plant (non-renewable energy resources) in Iranian provinces. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approaches is applied to estimate the efficiency. The network is modeled as a linear system ...  Read More

The Relationship between Tourism and Environmental Performance: The Case of Caspian Sea Nations
Volume 4, Issue 2 , October 2015, , Pages 51-80


  Tourism is a multidimensional economic activity that has an interaction with the environment. On one hand, environmental resources provide the raw material for tourism, while on the other, tourism imposes a variety of negative and positive impacts (wanted or unwanted) on the environment through the creation ...  Read More

Welfare Impacts of Imposing a Tariff on Rice in Iran vs an Export Tax in Thailand: A Game Theory Approach
Volume 1, Issue 2 , December 2012, , Pages 95-106


  In this study, the social welfare impacts of the interaction of Iranian rice import policies and Thai export policies are analyzed using a game theoretic approach in conjunction with econometric supply and demand models. The joint impacts of increasing the world price of rice, resulting from the export ...  Read More

Total Factor Productivity Growth, Technical Change and Technical Efficiency Change in Asian Economies: Decomposition Analysis
Volume 2, Issue 2 , December 2013, , Pages 47-69


  The aim of this paper is to analyze total factor productivity (TFP) growth and its components in Asian countries applying Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) to the time series data of 44 Asian countries from 2000 to 2010. Using Battese and Coelli approach, TFP is divided into technical efficiency change ...  Read More

The Impact of Oil and Gold Prices’ Shock on Tehran Stock Exchange: A Copula Approach
Volume 1, Issue 2 , December 2012, , Pages 23-47


  There are several researches that deal with the behavior of SEs and their relationships with different economical factors. These range from papers dealing with this subject through econometrical procedures to statistical methods known as copula. This article considers the impact of oil and gold price ...  Read More

Research Paper
International Trade and Air Pollution Damages in Iran

Mohammad Rahimi Ghasemabadi; Reza Zeinalzadeh; Zeinolabedin Sadeghi; Mohsen Zayandehroodi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 04 February 2025


  In the modern age, the rise in environmental protection information has resulted in undertaking ecological initiatives by different countries and corporation, aiming to raise environmental performance. This study investigates environmental and socioeconomic monetary values related to carbon emissions ...  Read More

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